Page:Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch.djvu/169

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"But the coyote—and other savage beasts!" exclaimed Ruth.

"Gee! I forgot that," muttered Jib.

"One of us must stay here."

"Well—I can do that, I suppose. But how about you finding your way to the Rolling River outfit? I—don't—know."

"I'll stay here and watch," declared Ruth, firmly. "You ride for help—get medicine—tell Mr. Hicks to send for a doctor at Bullhide, too. I have some money with me and I know my Uncle Jasper will pay whatever it costs to get a doctor to this man. Besides—there are other people interested."

"Why, Miss, I don't know about this," murmured Jib Potoway. "It's risky to leave you here. Old Bill will be wild at me."

"I'm going to stay right here," declared Ruth, getting out of the saddle. "You can leave me your gun if you will——"

"Sure! I could do that. But I don't know what the boss'll say."

"It won't much matter what he says," said Ruth, with a faint smile. "I shall be here and he will be at Silver Ranch."

"Ugh!" muttered Jib. "But what'll he say to me?"

"I believe Mr. Hicks is too good-hearted to wish to know that we left this unfortunate young