Page:Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch.djvu/201

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Ike," said Sally, turning her head away. "But—but ain't you got anything else to offer me but those steers?"

"Why—why," stammered poor Ike again. "I ain't got nothin' else but myself——"

She turned on him swiftly with her face all-smiling and her eyes twinkling.

"There, Ike Stedman!" she ejaculated in her old, sharp way. "Have you finally got around to offering yourself? My soul! if you practiced on every girl you met for the next hundred years you'd never learn how to ask her to marry you proper. I'd better take you, Ike, and save the rest of the female tribe a whole lot of trouble."

"D'ye mean it, Sally?" cried the bewildered and delighted foreman of Silver Ranch.

"I sure do."

"Ye-yi-yip!" yelled Ike, and the next moment the big touring car wabbled all over the trail and came near to dumping the loving pair into the gully.