--No. I mean, no one was present for the – the engagement because I finished from work that day, and I went home, and he came to pick me to go for his spa.
Okay. Well - - -?---Yes.
So just one second – you get up. You're dressed in a beautiful white gown?---Yes.
Was your hair done for the event?---Yes. Yes.
When that was – when all of that was underway, did you ever stop and think, why are we doing this? What's going on?---It didn't worry me because we actually attended a white party in Queensland [in] September […] with a lot of friends, and there was still, like, media coverage for that, so it didn't worry me attending another white party.
Okay. Well, now, on the day of the ceremony, a person who we now know to be [Mr C] - - -?---Yes.
He undertook the formalities that often accompany a wedding ceremony. Is that right?---Yes.
When he was undertaking those activities and asking you questions, did you ever stop and say, what are we doing? This looks like I'm getting married. I don't want to be married. What's going on?---I mean, to the best of my knowledge, I – I think that marriage only happens in a court. A court marriage happens in a court, so I never suspected it's because – I believed him that – [Mr Achthoven] has always been, like, a very social media person, and he posted lots.
Well, just before we get to that - - - ?---Yes.
You thought that weddings occurred in courts. That's how it works in [Country D], doesn't it?---Yes, that's where it is.
Okay. But you had the presence of mind to ring someone about the validity of the notice of intention to marry. Who did you ring? And why did you ring that person?--So when – when I got there, and I found out that I didn't see other people in white. And he was mentioning about getting married. And I got furious. And then he started laughing at me and was like, "No", that, "We are not getting married", that - - -
He actually said that - - -?---Yes.
--- in those words?---Yes. That it was just for his social media content. Then I walked away and I called my friend. And I told her like, "Look, this is what is happening." And even she laughed off. She was like, "No, dude, that's not how things work in Australia." So after that conversation with her, it didn't worry me again. And I knew that, you know, he was a social media person. So I was okay doing – doing that.
But coming back to when the celebrant was asking you questions about whether you freely enter into the solemn act of marriage, whether you agree to it and all that jazz, did you say, "Yes"?---Yes, I thought it was all an act. And I - - -
What do you mean by that? You thought it was all an act?---Yes. Because they kept on videoing everything, so I felt like it was, you know, we had – we had to act - - -
You thought you were - - - ?---to make it look real.
You thought you were somehow involved in an advertisement or something like
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