Page:SATCON2 Algorithms Report.pdf/25

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3.2.6. Available software for PassPredict simple mode

Table 1. The table below identifies a variety of existing software that may have capabilities relevant to the PassPredict effort.
Package Capabilities
Main candidates for orbit calculations GMAT (NASA) TLE propagation, OEM interpolation, frame conversion, position prediction (GMAT, n.d.)
Orekit OEM interpolation, frame conversion. The code is from a French company (CSGroup). OreKIT is used in Moriba Jah’s Orbit DetPy (Iyer, 2019).
OrbitDetPy Wrapper on OreKIT with useful functionality, from UT Austin group (Iyer, 2019) and (IBM/U of Texas).
Wrappers for observation requests Astropy.astroplan Observation planning
TOM Toolkit Observation planning (Street at al 2018)
Other packages of interest STK AGI; not free or open source
Freeflyer A.i.-solutions; not free or open source
ERFA Astropy; frame conversion routines
Slrfield Satellite laser ranging pass predictions
PROOF ESA; uses GP/TLE to compute individual topocentric pass predictions with configurable observatory parameters, including instrument field of view, etc. It is an open source Fortran code with a Java interface.
Monte JPL (not open source)

Notes: STK and Freeflyer are widely-used industry-standard packages of particular note. R. Street (Las Cumbres Observatory) noted an interest in building a component to the LCO TOM Toolkit to wrap the U. Texas OrbitDetPy work.

3.2.7. PassPredict advanced mode — considerations

In order to predict the apparent brightness of satellites a model for the reflectance distribution must be provided. The brightness can be predicted in a deterministic way using a satellite model or some approximation (e.g., a look-up table) assuming knowledge of the attitude state. Operators could be encouraged to share their attitude states using, e.g., the CCSDS ADM formats (similarly to ephemeris files). Many operators also follow some attitude law which could be considered in the code. Alternatively, the brightness can be bounded statistically irrespective of the attitude state, e.g. based solely on Sunphase angle.

It would be helpful if operators made available BRDFs, satellite models, and attitude control profiles to allow us to make detailed brightness predictions.

SATCON2 Algorithms Working Group Report