Page:SATCON2 Algorithms Report.pdf/29

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Figure 8. A Probability Calendar displaying the probability of exposure loss for a specific target (in this case, the Large Magellanic Cloud) as a function of time of night and observation date.

3.3.2. ImageSimulate

We need to provide base images to add simulated trails to. One could argue that you can just use existing images and no basic image simulation tool is needed. However, it is useful to have the capability to create images with known (because simulated) source properties (e.g., faint sources with a variety of known magnitudes) to properly assess detection thresholds.


  1. Observation parameters, the same as fed to PassPredict
  2. Base image (e.g., from archive for desired telescope)
  3. List of additional sources to simulate with a point spread function and/or thumbnail image


  1. Simulated image (no trails, but with added test sources)

Existing software:

  • Skymaker, from the Astromatic package (the software for the Canada France Hawai‘i Telescope’s MegaCam; also the same team as SExtractor, SCamp etc.)
SATCON2 Algorithms Working Group Report