Page:SATCON2 Observations Report.pdf/14

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2. Training professional astronomers, amateur astronomers, photographers, and others to contribute to satellite observing efforts

Effectively implementing SATCON1 Recommendation 8 requires more than just sharing affected data products and establishing SatHub. We must also train observers of all kinds to contribute to the global LEOsat monitoring campaign.

It is becoming increasingly clear that if the 100,000 or more LEOsats that have been proposed by private companies and governments across the world are deployed, no combination of mitigations can fully eliminate the impact of satellite trails on the science programs of current and planned ground-based optical, NIR, and radio astronomy facilities (SATCON1 Report). Additionally, astrophotography, amateur and backyard astronomy — indeed the very human experience of seeing and experiencing the beauty of the night sky — will all be increasingly affected. Mitigation of the most damaging impacts on scientific programs will require collaborations and changes at both ends of the spectrum:

Constellation Operators should:

  • work towards reducing reflection through optimal satellite body orientation, Sun shielding, and surface darkening;
  • provide accurate and timely ephemerides, and publish information about the satellites (brightness model, transmission bandpasses, etc.); and
  • alert the community of changes in orbits (after an avoidance maneuver, for example).

Astronomers should:

conduct observations to provide feedback to LEOsat operators;

compile accurate brightness and timing information on LEOsats;

perform simulations to predict visibility, brightness, and timing of satellites and

SATCON2 Observations Working Group Report