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C. Reproduction or translation of copyright materials

8. All requests by commercial publishers, public authorities, societies and private individuals for permission to reproduce or translate extracts from copyright publications should be referred to the Secretary of the Publications Board. After consultation with the author department, the Board will normally give permission to quote extracts provided proper acknowledgement of the source and copyright notice is given. Where reproduction or translation of the whole publication or a substantial part thereof is sought, the matter should be referred to the External Publications Officer, who will normally make arrangements for royalties to be paid to the United Nations. Payment of royalty may be waived when, in the opinion of the Publications Board, some compensatory advantage will accrue to the United Nations.

9. No offprint of a copyrighted publication, in whole or in part, shall be issued by the United Nations without the copyright imprint, for that would result in loss of copyright in the material thus reproduced.

D. Reproduction or translation of non-copyright material

10. Extracts from publications which are not copyright may be freely quoted without prior permission from the United Nations. Authors and publishers, however, often seek such permission as a matter of courtesy, and requests of this nature should be referred to the Secretary of the Publiscations Board, whoc will check with the author department before conveying permission, and ask that due acknowledgement be made to the source of the quotation. When publishers request authorization to publish non-copyright works in their entirety, arrangements are made by the External Publications Officer in accordance with the provisions of ST/AI/189/Add.14/Rev.1.

11. In accordance with the policy stated in paragraph 1 above, the Secretariat should give all reasonable encouragement to any reputable publisher proposing to issue a translation of a United Nations publication that is not copyright in a language in which the United Nations is not itself publishing it. The prospective publisher should be asked (a) to make due acknowledgement to the United Nations as publisher of the authentic text and (b) to state clearly on the title-page that it takes sole responsability for the accuracy of the translation. The publisher should also be advised that the use of the United Nations emblem is restricted to United Nations publications under agreements drafted in accordance with the provisions of ST/AI/189/Add.14/Rev.1.

12. In cases where public authorities, societies and commercial publishers contemplate seperate editions of United Nations publications that are not copyright in languages in which the United Nations has issued or is preparing to issue the publications in question, the authorities concerned should be invited to consider the alternative of bulk purchase from the United Nations at special rates.
