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Page:Sabotage (Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley).djvu/33

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dom, to ease in production and ease in consumption.

Confident in his powers, he hurls his challenge into his master's teeth—I am, I was and I will be—

"I will be, and lead the nations on, the last of all your hosts to meet,
Till on your necks, your heads, your crowns, I'll plant my strong, resistless feet.
Avenger, Liberator, Judge, red battles on my pathway hurled,
I stretch forth my almighty arm till it revivifies the world."

PUBLISHER'S NOTE.—The reference to the case of Friderick Sumner Boyd, which is found in several places in the text of the foreogoing pamphlet, requires additional explanation. The pamphlet, was written more than two years ago, since which time some interesting developments have occured in Boyd's case. After being convicted on the charge of "advising the destruction of property" Boyd carried his case to the New Jersey Court of Errors and Appeals, where the liwer court was sustained. Boyd was then taken into custody, and sent to the state prison in Trenton a sentence of "from two to seven years." He immediately signed a petition for pardon in wich he professes to have repudiated his former ideas, and to have renounced the advocacy of sabotage an all other subversive ideas. In view of Boyd's apparent cowardice in the presence of the pamphlet is about to go to press, we add this note for the sake of clearness.