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Page:Sacha Chua - Emacs Chat with Carsten Dominik.djvu/16

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Carsten: Yes, exactly.

Sacha: Yes.

Carsten: Oh, you saw that. I thought it was so awesome with the workflow, because this is the truth, isn't it?

Sacha: Yes.

Carsten: I mean whenever you make a change, somebody will say, “This breaks my workflow.”

Sacha: Especially in Emacs where we do these convoluted things to tailor it exactly to fit how we work.

Carsten: Yes. Actually, I'm also using Eshell every now and then. I think that's also John's, is that right?

Sacha: Yes it is.

Carsten: Did he write this? It's crazy enough for John to have done this. It's amazing. It's amazing what he has been doing, this kind of stuff. That's what I'm using.

What else would I like? Also in the sense of being able to draw, sometimes it would be nice to pull in a little image and just drop it there. Is that possible?

Sacha: You're telling me. Org's got in-line image support, right?

Carsten: I know you can, but can you sort of pull it in and drop it? I'm thinking a good competing program for note-taking would be Evernote.

Sacha: Yes. I think it would be great to have drag-and-drop functionality.

Carsten: Just for an image. Sometimes a note would be helped by an image, and you can of course put in a link, but to just have a little image in that file might be useful.

Sacha: Yes. I think that sounds like an excellent Org feature request.