Page:Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol 1.djvu/182

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that liquor which has caused likewise the ruin of wealthy families, here in this jar it is exposed for sale.

20. 'Here in this jar is that which makes the tongue and the feet unrestrained, and puts off every check in weeping and laughing; that by which the eyes look heavy and dull as of one possessed of a demon; that which impairing a man's mind, of necessity reduces him to an object of contempt.

21. 'In this jar is ready for sale that which, disturbing the senses of even aged people and making them timid to continue the road which leads to their good, induces them to talk much without purpose and rashly.

22. It is the fault of this beverage, that the old gods, having become careless, were bereaved of their splendour by the King of the Devas, and seeking for relief were drowned in the Ocean. With that drink this jar is filled. Well, take it!

23. 'Like an Incarnation of Curse she[1] lies within this jar, she by whose power falsehood is spoken with confidence, as if it were truth, and forbidden actions are committed with joy, as if they were prescribed. It is she who causes men to hold for good what is bad and for bad what is good.

24. Well, purchase then this madness-producing philtre, this abode of calamities, this embodied Disaster, this mother of sins, this sole and unparalleled road of sin[2], this dreadful darkness of mind.

25. Purchase from me, O king, that beverage which is able to take away a man's senses entirely, so that, without caring for his happiness or future state, he may strike his own innocent father or mother or a holy ascetic.

26. 'Such is this liquor, known among men by the name of surâ, O you lord of men, who by your splendour equal the celestials (surâs). Let him endeavour to buy it, who is no partisan of virtues.

  1. The word surâ is feminine.
  2. Kali is here used as an appellative with the general meaning it has in Pâli (see Childers' Dict. s. v.)