Page:Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol 1.djvu/240

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righteousness in consequence of your deceitful behaviour, for this reason I set out from hence.

At this moment the king's favourite dog came running to the Bodhisattva in a hostile manner and barked at him with wide-opened mouth Pointing at this dog, he said again : "Why, let this animal bear witness to the case, Your Majesty.

8, 9. 'Formerly this dog was accustomed to fondle me; then he was imitating your example. But now he betrays your feelings by his barks, for he does not know how to feign. Surely, he must have heard from you harsh words on my account, as will happen when former affection has been destroyed; and now, forsooth, he is acting up to them, that he may please you; for such is the behaviour of servants who eat the bread of their lord.'

This reproof filled the king with shame, and made him cast down his eyes. The acuteness of mind of the Bodhisattva touched him and moved his heart. He thought it was not proper to continue his false protestations of love, and bowing reverentially to him, spoke:

10. 'You were indeed the subject of such conversation as you said. Audacious people used that language in my council, and I, absorbed in business, overlooked the matter. You must forgive me, then, and stay here. Pray, do not go.'

The Bodhisattva said: 'Surely, it is not on account of ill-treatment that I want to go, Your Majesty, nor am I driven out by resentment. But considering, it is now no proper time to stay here, Your Majesty, for this reason I go. Do but take this in view.

11. 'If, either by attachment or from apathy, I should not go of my own accord now, as I needs must, after the honourable hospitality shown to me has lost its beauty, having become an ordinary one, verily, would it not hereafter come to the point that I should be seized by the neck and turned out ?

12. 'Not with a heart sore with hatred am I about to leave you, but considering this the proper course to