Page:Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol 1.djvu/246

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27. He who denies the agency of cause by means of reasoning with arguments, does not such a one desert his own tenets[1]? On the other hand, if he is averse to the use of argument, say, what will he do with his sole tenet (not supported by argument)?

28. 'And he who, not perceiving the cause in some particular case, proclaims for this very reason, that there does not exist causality at all, will not such a one, when he learns the manifest power of causality in that case, grow angry at it and oppose it with invectives ?

29. 'And if somewhere the cause is latent, why do you say with assurance, it does not exist ? Though it is, it is not perceived for some other cause, as for instance the white colour of the sun's disc is not seen at sunset.

'Moreover, sir,

30. 'For the sake of happiness you pursue the objects you desire, and will not follow such things as are opposed to it. And it is for the same purpose that you attend on the king. And notwithstanding this, you dare deny causality!

31. 'And, if nevertheless you should persist in your doctrine of non-causality, then it follows that the death of the monkey is not to be ascribed to any cause. Why do you blame me?'

So with clear arguments the High-minded One confounded that advocate of the doctrine of non-causality. Then addressing himself to the believer in a Supreme Being, he said : You, too, never ought to blame me, noble sir. According to your doctrine, the Lord is the cause of everything. Look here.

32, 33. 'If the Lord does everything, He alone is the killer of that ape, is He not? How can you bear such unfriendliness in your heart as to throw blame on me on account of the fault of another ? If, however, you do not ascribe the murder of that valiant monkey to

  1. As far as using argument by means of reasoning implies adherence to causality. Moreover, the word hetu the Bodhisattva employs here means both 'cause' and 'reason.'