Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 1.djvu/190

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in his hands, he recites: 'Thou (Prâna) art Ama[1] by name, for all this together exists in thee. He is the oldest and best, the king, the sovereign. May he make me the oldest, the best, the king, the sovereign. May I be all this.'

7. Then he eats with the following Rik verse at every foot: 'We choose that food'—here he swallows—'Of the divine Savitri (prâna)'—here he swallows—'The best and all-supporting food'— here he swallows — "We meditate on the speed of Bhaga (Savitri, prâna)'—here he drinks all.

8. Having cleansed the vessel, whether it be a kamsa or a kamasa, he sits down behind the fire on a skin or on the bare ground, without speaking or making any other effort. If in his dream he sees a woman, let him know this to be a sign that his sacrifice has succeeded.

9. On this there is a Sloka: 'If during sacrifices which are to fulfil certain wishes he sees in his dreams a woman, let him know success from this vision in a dream, yea, from this vision in a dream.'

Third Khanda.[2]

1. Svetaketu Âruneya went to an assembly[3] of the Pañkâlas. Pravâhana Gaivali[4] said to him: 'Boy, has your father instructed you?' 'Yes, Sir,' he replied.

2. 'Do you know to what place men go from here?' 'No, Sir,' he replied.

  1. Cf. Brih. Âr. I, 1, 3, 22.
  2. This story is more fully told in the Brihadâranyaka VI, 2, Satapatha-brâhmana XIV, 8, 16.
  3. Samiti, or parishad, as in the Brih. Âr.
  4. He is the same Kshatriya sage who appeared in 1, 8, 1, silencing the Brâhmans.