enter into blind darkness: those who delight in the true cause, enter, as it were, into greater darkness.
13. One thing, they say, is obtained from (knowledge of) the cause; another, they say, from (knowledge of) what is not the cause. Thus we have heard from the wise who taught us this.
14. He who knows at the same time both the cause and the destruction (the perishable body), overcomes death by destruction (the perishable body), and obtains immortality through (knowledge of) the true cause.
15. The door of the True is covered with a golden disk[1]. Open that, O Pûshan, that we may see the nature of the True[2].
16. O Pûshan, only seer, Yama (judge), Sûrya (sun), son of Pragâpati, spread thy rays and gather them! The light which is thy fairest form, I see it. I am what He is (viz. the person in the sun)[3].
17. Breath[4] to air, and to the immortal! Then this my body ends in ashes. Om! Mind, remember! Remember thy deeds! Mind, remember! Remember thy deeds[5]
18. Agni, lead us on to wealth (beatitude) by a good path, thou, O God, who knowest all things!
- ↑ Mahîdhara on verse 17: "The face of the true (purusha in the sun) is covered by a golden disk."
- ↑ Cf. Maitr. Up. VI, 35.
- ↑ Asau purushah should probably be omitted.
- ↑ These lines are supposed to be uttered by a man in the hour of death.
- ↑ The Vâgasaneyi-samhitâ reads: Om, krato smara, klibe smara, kritam smara. Uvata holds that Agni, fire, who has been worshipped in youth and manhood, is here invoked in the form of mind, or that kratu is meant for sacrifice. 'Agni, remember me! Think of the world! Remember my deeds!'