The Upanishads.
The Grihya-sûtras of Hiranyakesin and others.
II. Law-books in prose.
The Sûtras of âpastamba, Gautama, Baudhâyana, Vasistha, Vishnu, &c.
III. Law-books in verse.
The Laws of Manu, Yâgñavalkya, &c.
IV. Later Brahmanism.
The Bhagavad-gitâ.
The Vâyu-purâna.
V. Buddhism.
1. Pali Documents.
The Mahâparinibbâna Sutta, the Tevigga Sutta, the Mahasudassana Sutta, the Dhammakakkappavattana Sutta; the Suttanipâta; the Mahâvagga, the Kullavagga, and the Pâtimokkha.
2. Sanskrit Documents.
The Divyâvadâna and Saddharmapundarika.
3. Chinese Documents.
The Phû-yâo King, or life of Buddha.
4. Prakrit Gaina Documents.
The Âkârâṅga Sûtra, Dasavaikâlika Sûtra, Sûtra-kritâṅga, and Uttarâdhyayana Sûtra.
VI. Parsi Religion.
1. Zend Documents.
The Vendîdâd.