Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 15.djvu/108

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her cattle x ! SvAhd 2 ! May the Brahman-students come to me, Sv4h&! May they come from all sides, Svdhd ! May they come forth to me, Sv£h& ! May they practise restraint, SvAhA ! May they enjoy peace, Sv4Jid !

3. May I be a glory among men, SvAhd! May I be better than the richest, Svdhi! May I enter into thee, O treasure (Om), Sv&hd! Thou, O treasur e 3 . enter^into me, Svdhd! In thee, con- sisting of a thousand branches, in thee, O treasure, I am cleansed,, S vdhi ! As water runs downward, as the months go to the year, so, O preserver of the world, may Brajigia SrStud ents always come to me from all sidesTSvdhd !

(1) Thou ar t a refuge ! Enlighten me ! Take pos- session of me !

Fifth Anuvaka.

1. Bhft, Bhuvas, Suvas 4 , these are the three sacred i nterjectio ns (vy&hrzti). M4hcb£amasya taught a fourth, viz. Ma has, jw higll 1g % ahman. which is t he Self. The others (devat&s) are its members.

ttkfl ic this atorld, Bhuvas is the sky, Suvas is th e other j^ pgld.

2. Mahas is the sun. All the worlds are increased by the sun. Bhft is Agni (fire), Bhuvas is Vayu (air), Suvas is Aditya (sun). Mahas is the moon. All the heavenly lights are increased by the moon.

1 The construction is not right. Woolly, lom&ra, is explained as i possessed of woolly sheep/

2 With the interjection SvaM each oblation is offered.

3 Bhaga, here explained as bhagavat.

4 The text varies between Bhu, Bhuvas, Suvas, Mahas, and Bhu, Bhuvar, Suvar, Mahar.

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