instructs him, saying, 'This is the Dhamma, this the Vinaya, this the teaching of the Master. Accept this, and approve this.' If the dispute should be thus settled, it is settled contrary to the Dhamma, and with a mere counterfeit of the Vinaya rule of procedure (that cases of dispute must be settled before a duly constituted meeting of the Sawgha, and in the presence of the accused person) 1 .
[And in like manner, if he instruct the many, or the Sawgha, who speak according to the right ; — or if the many or the Sawgha who speak not according to the right instruct the one, or the many, or the Sawgha who speak according to the right; — then the dispute is settled contrary to the Dhamma (&c, as before).]
End of the nine cases in which the wrong
side decides.
[This chapter is the contrary of the last ; the cases put being those in which the three last members of
Sammukhd- vinaya -pa/irupakena. The rule of procedure, called S a m m u k h £-v i n ay a, hereafter rendered ' Proceeding in Presence,' is one of the seven modes of settling disputes already referred to in the closing chapter of the P&imokkha ('Vinaya Texts,' vol. i, p. 68), and is more fully described below in Aullavagga IV, 14, 16, and following sections.
It will be seen below, from §§ IV, 14, 27-30, that it is involved in, or rather is supposed to accompany, each of the other Proceedings mentioned in this chapter.