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Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 21.djvu/211

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22. We have come as far as fully fifty thousand kotis of worlds from here to humbly salute the Gina by surrendering our lofty aeriel cars all together.

23. We possess these variegated and bright cars, owing to previous works; accept them to oblige us, and make use of them to thine heart's content, O Knower of the world!

After the great Brahma-angels, monks, had celebrated the Lord Mahâbhiâânâbhibhû, the Tathâgata, &c, face to face, with these seasonable stanzas, they besought him, saying: May the Lord move forward the wheel of the law! May the Lord preach final rest! May the Lord release all beings! Be favourable, O Lord, to this world! Preach the law, O Lord, to this world, including gods, Mâras, and Brahma-angels; to all people, including ascetics and Brahmans, gods[1], men, and demons! It will tend to the weal of the public, to the happiness of the public; out of mercy to the world, for the benefit and happiness of the people at large, both gods and men.

Thereupon, monks, those fifty hundred thousand myriads of kotis of Brahma-angels addressed the Lord, with one voice, in common chorus[2], with the following stanza:

24. Show the law, O Lord; show it, O most high of men! Show the power of thy kindness; save the tormented beings.

25. Rare[3] is the light[4] of the world like the

  1. The gods have been enumerated just before; therefore it would seem that gods, men, and demons here are veiled expressions for kings or Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sûdras.
  2. MSS. sometimes samasaṅgîtyâ, but more frequently samam s., i. e. all together in chorus or concert.
  3. And, precious, durlabha.
  4. Pradyota.

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