Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 27.djvu/290

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THE Lî Kî.

17. The canons of sacrifice are examined and set forth, and orders are given to sacrifice to the hills and forests, the streams and meres, care being taken not to use any female victims[1].

18. Prohibitions are issued against cutting down trees.

19. Nests should not be thrown down; unformed insects should not be killed, nor creatures in the womb, nor very young creatures, nor birds just taking to the wing, nor fawns, nor should eggs be destroyed.

20. No congregating of multitudes should be allowed, and no setting about the rearing of fortifications and walls[2].

21. Skeletons should be covered up, and bones with the flesh attached to them buried.

22. In this month no warlike operations should be undertaken; the undertaking of such is sure to be followed by calamities from Heaven. The not under- taking warlike operations means that they should not

commence on our side[3].

  1. Not to destroy the life unborn. At "the great sacrifices," those to Heaven and Earth, and in the ancestral temple, only male victims were used, females being deemed "unclean." The host of minor sacrifices is intended here.
  2. Such operations would interfere with the labours of husbandry.
  3. War is specially out of time in the genial season of spring; but a state, when attacked, must, and might, defend itself even then.