Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 27.djvu/376

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THE Lî Kî.
BK. V.

28. 𝖅ze-hsiâ asked, "Is then not declining military service (during mourning) to be condemned?"

Confucius said, "I heard from Lâo Tan that duke Po-khin engaged once in such service, when there was occasion for it; but I do not know if I should allow it in those who seek (by it) their own advantage during the period of the three years' mourning[1]."

  1. Po-khin was the son of the duke of Kâu, and the first marquis of Lû. The time of his entering on the rale of that state was a very critical one in the kingdom; and though it was then, it would appear, the period of his mourning for his mother's death, he discharged his public duty in the time of his own grief.