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,¢;iQii$Y iisf$0f$ulsation.i *The reader» can judgcwfor himself of the con- S <<%% is
fQ* A`%j%% summation that would be arrived at ;—a people rude J ff
° and uninstructed, using quippos, abstaining from war and
- ’f oi< . s all travelling, kept aloof from intercourse even with their J by
neighbours, and without the appliances of what we call J f¢<` is%i‘i s civilisation; ‘y M Y s,s »j gi
Q} vplsipl ‘ i'I`he text is nearly all found in Sze-ma Kkien and A, ilig
i Kwangqze. The first member of par. 1, however, is very A iis, puzzling. The old Jesuit translators, Julien, Chalmers, 2* tii
gf siiisi J if and V. von Strauss, all differ in their views of it. Wu nrii sii‘ ] iiis K hang and Siao Hung take what I have now rendered by ifi ‘ abilities] as meaning ‘ implements of agriculturef but their J Q ,ii·ii Q is J view is based on a custom of the Han dynasty, which is not p
iipi * remote enough for the purpose, and on the suppression, s islpiilaf, *{f§ s after Wang Pi, of a A in Ho-shang Kung’s text. so ,ns> 81. 1. Sincere words are not fine; line words are srsi ,,,s { rff isri not sincere. Those who are skilled (inethe Tao) isii i`ns do not dispute (about it); the disputatious are not skilled in it. Those who know (the Tao) are not . sfrv extensively learned; the extensively learned do not i»,ii if know it. i r 2. The sage does not accumulate (for himself). Y r,‘f»i2 E} The more that he expends for others, the more does
s iipl he possess of his own; the more that he gives to
others, the more does he have himself. Q 3. VVith all the sharpness of the Way of Heaven, it rsff is it injures not; with all the doing in the way of the ,,,.,y.
f;.§, sage he does not strive. iQy;f?
j J @ Q, ‘The Manifestation of Simplicity.’ The chapter he shows how quietly and effectively the Tao proceeds, and syis J yiry yjsii i by contraries in a way that only the master of it can understand. The author, says Wu K izang, ‘ sums up in
i.‘. this the subject-matter of the two Parts of his Treatise, J
showing that in all its five thousand characters, there is nothing b<·:Y ond what is here said.' JY; iissigi