Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 40.djvu/102

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AAWA <¢£% to _ - <A i iri; r W“%;§)<¢¢%< ~y  %<$A%  ;§h< EAV Ai;

 %Ai<A   the action is in that not-acting;  d esiring tobe~quies—   s}YlJ°¥§l
  ` t     s_   cent, he must pacify all his emotions ; desiring to be V it sA  
 yi V spirit-·lil<e, he must act in conformity with his mind. -   in
 isos f ° When action is required of ~ him, he wishes that it Q  
T}   may be right; and it then is under an inevitable *
 iaeyici 6 constraint. Those who act: according to that in- Q;
 sr‘ys   y‘ir » cies [ evitable constraint pursue the way of the sage.