Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 6.djvu/152

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The Qurʼân.
II, 180-183.

those who are fit to fast[1] may redeem it by feeding a poor man; but he who follows an impulse to a good work it is better for him; and if ye fast it is better for you, if ye did but know.

The month of Ramadhân, wherein was revealed the Qurʼân, for a guidance to men, and for manifestations of guidance, and for a Discrimination. And he amongst you who beholds this month[2] then let him fast it; but he who is sick or on a journey, then another number of days;—God desires for you what is easy, and desires not for you what is difficult,—that ye may complete the number, and say, ‘Great is God,’ for that He has guided you; haply ye may give thanks.

When my servants ask thee concerning me, then, verily, I am near; I answer the prayer's prayer whene’er he prays to me. So let them ask me for an answer, and let them believe in me; haply they may be directed aright.

Lawful for you on the night of the fast is commerce with your wives; they are a garment unto you, and ye a garment unto them. God knows that ye did defraud yourselves, wherefore He has turned towards you and forgiven you; so now go in unto them and crave what God has prescribed for you, and eat and drink until a white thread can be distinguished by you from a black one at the dawn. Then fulfil the fast until the night, and go not in unto them, and ye at your devotions in the mosques the while. These are the bounds that God has set, so draw not near thereto. Thus does God make

  1. I. e. able to fast but do not.
  2. I. e. who is at home during the month Ramadhân and not on a journey, or in a place where it is impossible to keep the fast.