Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 6.djvu/154

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The Qurʼân.
II, 190-193.

for all sacred things demand retaliation[1]; and whoso transgresses against you, transgress against him like as he transgressed against you; but fear ye God, and know that God is with those who fear.

Expend in alms in God’s way and be not cast by your own hands into perdition; but do good, for God loves those who do good.

And fulfil the pilgrimage and the visitation to God; but if ye be besieged, then what is easiest for you by way of gift. But shave not your heads until your gift shall reach its destination; and he amongst you who is sick or has a hurt upon his head, then the redemption is by fasting or by alms or by an offering. But when ye are safe again, then let him who would enjoy the visitation until the pilgrimage[2] (bring) what is easiest as a gift. And he who cannot find (anything to bring), then let him fast three days on the pilgrimage and seven when ye return; these make ten days complete. That is, for him whose family are not present in the Sacred Mosque; and fear God and know that God is keen to punish.

The pilgrimage is (in) well-known months: whosoever then makes it incumbent on himself (let him have neither) commerce with women, nor fornication, nor a quarrel on the pilgrimage; and whatsoever of good ye do, God knoweth it; then provide yourself for your journey; but the best provision is piety. Fear ye me ye who possess minds.

    DHuʼlqaʼhdah, which was one of their sacred months; the Moslems therefore are bidden to attack them if necessary in the sacred month of Ramadhân.

  1. If a breach of their sanctity be committed.
  2. I. e. going to the visitation at once without waiting for the month of the pilgrimage to come round.