to destroy the tilth and the stock; verily, God loves not evil doing. And when it is said to him, ‘Fear God,’ then pride takes hold upon him in sin; but hell is enough for him! surely an evil couch is that.
And there is among men one who selleth his soul[1], craving those things that are pleasing unto God; and God is kind unto His servants.
O ye who believe! enter ye into the peace[2], one and all, and follow not the footsteps of Satan; verily, to you he is an open foe. 205 And if ye slip after that the manifest signs have come to you, then know that God is the mighty, the wise.
What can they expect but that God should come unto them in the shadow of a cloud, and the angels too? But the thing is decreed, and unto God do things return.
Ask the children of Israel how many a manifest sign we gave to them; and whoso alters God’s favours after that they have come to him, then God is keen at following up.
Made fair to those who misbelieve is this world’s life; they jest at those who do believe. But those who fear shall be above them on the resurrection day. God gives provision unto whom He will without account.
Men were one nation once, and God sent prophets with good tidings and with warnings, and sent