God is my Lord, and your Lord, so worship Him : —this is the right path.’
45 And when Jesus perceived their unbelief, He said, ‘Who are my helpers for God?’ Said the apostles[1], ‘We are God’s helpers. We believe in God, so bear witness that we are resigned[2]. Lord, we have believed in what Thou hast revealed, and we have followed the Apostle, so write us down with those which bear witness.’ But they (the Jews) were crafty, and God was crafty, for God is the best of crafty ones!
When God said, ‘O Jesus ! I will make Thee die and take Thee up again to me[3] and will clear thee of those who misbelieve, and will make those who follow thee above those who misbelieve, at the day of judgment, then to me is your return. I will decide between you concerning that wherein ye disagree. And as for those who misbelieve, I will punish them with grievous punishment in this world and the next, and they shall have none to help them.’ 50 But as for those who believe and do what is right, He will pay them their reward, for God loves not the unjust.
That is what we recite to thee of the signs and of the wise reminder[4]. Verily, the likeness of Jesus
- ↑ The Arabic expression is ʿHavârîyûn, which means ‘fullers,′ and is explained by the commentators either as referring to their ‘trade’ or to their ‘sincerity and candour.’ The word is really derived from an Ethiopic root signifying ‘to send.’
- ↑ See note 1, page 15.
- ↑ The Mohammedans believe that it was an eidolon and not Jesus himself who was crucified.
- ↑ This word dhikr is used by Mohammedans for the recitation of the Qurʼân, and is also applied to the religious celebrations of the dervishes.