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the qur'ân.
ⅩⅥ, 125-128.
between them on the resurrection day concerning that whereon they do dispute.
Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly warning; and wrangle with them in the kindest way; verily, thy Lord He knows best who has erred from His way, for He knows best the guided ones.
But if ye punish, punish (only) as ye were punished; but if ye are patient, it is best for those who are patient[1].
Be thou patient then; but thy patience is only in God's hands. Do not grieve about them; and be not in a strait at their craftiness;—verily, God is with those who fear Him, and with those who do well.
- ↑ This passage refers to the killing of 'Hamzah, Mohammed's uncle, at the battle of O'hod, and the subsequent mutilation of his corpse by the Meccans, and is a protest against taking too severe a revenge.