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Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 9.djvu/51

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ⅩⅩ, 5-19.
the chapter of t. h.

is in the heavens, and what is in the earth, and what is between the two, and what is beneath the ground! And if thou art public in thy speech — yet, verily, he knows the secret, and more hidden still.

God, there is no god but He ! His are the excellent names.

Has the story of Moses come to thee ? When he saw the fire and said to his family, ‘ Tarry ye ; verily, I perceive a fire ! 10 Haply I may bring you therefrom a brand, or may find guidance by the fire[1].’ And when he came to it he was called to, ‘ O Moses ! verily, I am thy Lord, so take off thy sandals ; verily, thou art in the holy valley Tuvâ, and I have chosen thee. So listen to what is inspired thee; verily, I am God, there is no god but Me ! then serve Me, and be steadfast in prayer to remember Me.

15 ‘ Verily, the hour is coming, I almost make it appear[2], that every soul may be recompensed for its efforts.

‘ Let not then him who believes not therein and follows his lusts ever turn thee away therefrom, and thou be ruined.

‘ What is that in thy right hand, O Moses ?’

Said he, ‘ It is my staff on which I lean, and

  1. The Arabs used to light fires to guide travellers to shelter and entertainment. These fires, ‘ the fire of hospitality,’ ‘ the fire of war,’ &c. are constantly referred to in the ancient Arabic poetry. No less than thirteen fires are enumerated by them.
  2. This may be also rendered, ‘ I almost conceal it (from myself);’ iʿhfâʼun having, like many words in Arabic, two meanings directly opposite to each other. This probably arose from words being adopted into the Qurâis idiom from other dialects.

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