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Safeguarding National Security Ordinance

Part 3—Division 3
Ord. No. 6 of 2024
Section 19

Division 3—Incitement to Disaffection etc.

19. Inciting disaffection of public officers

(1) A person commits an offence and is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for 7 years if the person knowingly incites a public officer to abandon upholding the Basic Law and abandon the allegiance to the HKSAR.

(2) A person commits an offence and is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for 10 years if the person colludes with an external force to knowingly incite a public officer to abandon upholding the Basic Law and abandon the allegiance to the HKSAR.

(3) In this section—

public officer (公職人員) means—

(a) a person holding an office of emolument under the Government, whether such office be permanent or temporary;
(b) any of the following persons (if the person is not a person mentioned in paragraph (a))—
(i) a principal official of the Government appointed in accordance with the Basic Law;
(ii) the Monetary Authority appointed under section 5A of the Exchange Fund Ordinance (Cap. 66) or a person appointed under section 5A(3) of that Ordinance;
(iii) the Chairman of the Public Service Commission;
(iv) a staff member of the Independent Commission Against Corruption;