Page:Sagas from the Far East; or, Kalmouk and Mongolian traditionary tales.djvu/431

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Abgarus, 338.

Abhedja, 374.

Abhigit, 386.

Abbignâna-Shukuntalâ, 249.

Abhimanju, 342.

Abulfazl, 393, 394, 395.

Âdhibuddha, Addi-Buddha, introduction of this development of Buddhist doctrine, 346; his titles, 358. 375.

Aghnjâ, 375.

Agni, Agnikula, 394.

Agnishtoma, 372.

Ahidarma-pitaka, 333.

Ahriman, xiii.

Airja, ix.

Airjanem-Vaêgo, xiii.

Akesines, the, 383.

Alexander's invasion of India, 233; attacked by apes, 368; exports Indian hounds, 387.

Aloka (Alu), 383.

Alligators, 383.

Altan-Somè = temple of gold, Huc, 229.

Amaradeva, Amarasinha, 247. 387.

Amdo-country, 348-9.

Ammonites, sacred to Vishnu, 381.

Ants, gold-digging, 358.

Anumati, 387.

Apes, their character in fable, 136; their social organization, 386; allies to Râma, 368.

Apsarasas, 247. 294.

Aramâlâ, 5. 296. 404.

Aravâla, 399.

Arbuda (Arboo), 394.

Ardschi-Bordschi, 252 et seq.; meaning of name, 393; derivation, ib.; his lineage and dynasty, ib.; his date, 394; his pedigree, ib.; legends concerning him, ib.; his character, ib.; his literary pursuits, ib.

Argols, 357. 360.

Arhat, Archat, institution of the rank, 330; Arhats compile the Sûtra, 333. 342.