Page:Sagas from the Far East; or, Kalmouk and Mongolian traditionary tales.djvu/435

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early, 352 ; place in mytho- logy, ib. ; derivation of word, 352-3; Sanskrit appellations, 363; encounters with ser- pents, i J.; their reUgion, ih.; uses in peace and war, ib.; fable in Pantschatantra, 369. 402 ; white, 352.

Epic poems, Indian, 240. 338. 341. 368.

Erlik-khan, 14. 353.

Erliks, 14. 353.

Eugenia Jambolana, viii.

Exorcism, a Mongolian, 359-60.


Fahien, 335.

Ficus indica, 329.

Ficus religiosa, 329 ; names, ih.; description, ib. ; care, ih. ; allegory, 330 ; food for silk- worms, 378.

Five colours, the, 222. 299. 359.

Five, prevalence of the num- ber in Buddhistic usages, 32. 34. 59. 64. 158. 163. 332. 346.

Five kinds or degrees of know- ledge, 158. 163. 332. 346.

Four parts of the universe, 270-80. 399. _

Fox, his place in Indian fable, 193 et seq. 379 ; outwitted, 380-1.


Ga, 367.

Gag'a, 353.

Gaja (now Gaya), 328; situa- tion, ih. (note) ; decay of temple, 336 ; haitja, 343,

Gajadeva, 341.

Gajanagara, 341.

Gai'asena, 327.

Gajashiras, 328.

Gambu-tree,viii. 327; Buddhist fable concerning, 385.

Gambudvij)a, viii. 6. 145. 219. 229. 297. 332. 351. 385.

Ganardana, 334.

Gandakavati, Gan'daTd, 381.

Gandha, 241. 274.

Gandhara, 355.

Gandharba, 244. 266 ; the, 335. 365 ; shrine, 372.

Ganesha, 340. 352.

Ganga (Ganges), 354. 372.

Gardabharapa, 231.

Gar ma, 246.

Garmadhug, 375.

Garuda, 110. 181. 218. 335. 364-5. 378.

Gatha, 354.

Gauda, 394.

Gautama, Gotama, 327.

Ge dun grub pa, 348.

Ge luges pa, 348.

Genghis Khan, 250. 345. 350.

GUgit, xi.

Gitagovinda, 341.

Gnana, 346. 358.

Goa, 398.

Goat, fable of, 380.

Gobi, 350.

Goondook, 381.

Goi^a, 358.

Goshirsha, 367.

Gotra, 358.

Govardana, 363.

Govinda, 234.

Greeks and Latins, informa- tion on India derived from, 232-3 ; laws committed to memory,Megasthenes, 333-4 ;