Page:Sagas from the Far East; or, Kalmouk and Mongolian traditionary tales.djvu/441

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Ramajana, scope, 242 ; date,

242-3; quoted, on human

sacrifice, 362 ; on apes, 368 ;

on horse-sacrifice, 373 ; myth

of Yisvamitra, 402-3. 347;

other quotations, 375. 378.

387. Ravipati-Gurumurti, 233. Raxasas, 359. Re-births, 75. 98. 235. 287.

313. 334. 353. 361. 364. 403.

405 (see Transmigration,

Metempsych osis) . Resa festival, 341. Rigagna, 375.

Rice cultivation, 75. 78. 362. Rice-brandy, 11. 14. 77. 131.

166. Rig-Veda, viii. 337. 358.

368. 333. 387. Ritschiia, 362. Rock-cut temples (see under

Kaitja). Roman writers on India (see

Greeks and Latins).


Sabala, 375. 402-3. Sacrifices, butter, 375 ; cow,

ib. ; to god of death, 354 ;

horse, 372-3 ; human, 18.

75. 355. 361-70 ; by strewing

grain, 7. 51-2. 360. Sadowasena, 244. Sakori, 401. Sakwala, 385. Sal-tree, 332. Salwahana, 391. Samatog, 343.

Sandal-wood, 28. 130. 274. 367. Sangha, 239. 375. Sanghasthavira, 332,

Sanghiti, 332.

Sanskrit, x., 247-8. 328 (note), 347, &c., similarities with Iranian and divergencies, xii.

Sanvrti, 343.

Sadvajati, 241-2.

Schalu, 278, et seq. ; 401.

Schimnu, 47. 50. 259. 269. 273. 285.307. 356.

Sengkiolo, 370.

Sesame-oil, 73. 268. 361.

Serendivus, 370.

Sattva, 366.

Serpent-gods and serpent-wor- ship, 18. 75. 123. 216. 231. 272. 335. 355. 365. 383-5. 399-400.^

Shakja, Shakj a dynasty (name of the royal line whence Buddha sprang ; and of the dynasty for destroying which Vikramaditja's surname is supposed derived (see ShaJc- jaditja) 231. 327.

Shakj adit j a, 231 and 389. 250.

Shakjamuni, who he was, 327 ; lineage and surnames ih., 328. 333 ; reasons for be- coming rehgious teacher, 328-9; preparation for it, 328-30 ; mission of disciples, 330-2 ; death and obsequies, 331-2 ; council of followers, 332-3 ; doctrines 333-5. 343. 361. 363 ; adoption of Vedic mythology, 334-5. 337; traces of true religion, develop- ments, exaggerations, 333 and note, 336-41. 346. 347-8. 349. 375. 397. 403 ; struggle wath Brahmans, 335-6 ; spread, 335. 345 ; traditions