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at the point R of the surface, then the vectors shall be called normal to each other. Accordingly

which is the condition that the vectors with the components (x, y, z, t) and are normal to each other.

For the measurement of vectors in different directions, the unit measuring rod is to be fixed in the following manner; — a space-like vector from to -F = 1 is always to have the measure unity, and a time-like vector from O to +F = 1 , t >0 is always to have the measure .

Let us now fix our attention upon the world-line of a substantive point running through the world-point (x, y, z, t); then as we follow the progress of the line, the quantity

corresponds to the time-like vector-element (dx, dy, dz, dt).

The integral , taken over the world-line from any fixed initial point P0 to any variable final point P, may be called the "Proper-time" of the substantial point at P0 upon the world-line. We may regard (x, y, z, t), i.e., the components of the vector OP, as functions of the "proper-time" τ; let denote the first differential-quotients, and the second differential quotients of (x, y, z, t) with regard to τ, then these may respectively