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The Saints; Duty in Evil Times.

take you in: that is the key that opens these doors, the use of the means and the exercise of faith, the hand of duty, and the key of faith: but take notice, it is true saving faith; it is neither historical, temporary, nor the faith of miracles; but it is saving faith, whereby Christ is only received and rested upon; it is faith as an instrument apprehending the object, Christ: It is that (I say) which, taketh you in.

But for your more clear uptaking thereof, consider what is requisite in true saving faith. First, A deep sight and sense of your lost condition, that ye are destroyed, liable to the wrath of God, and all the curses in the law. Secondly, A sense of this, that there is nothing in you, or that ye can do, that will help you, it is beyond all created power to recover you. and so, not at all seeking to establish a self-ighteousness, it is, 'Come unto me ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.' Thirdly, A right sense of the all-sufficiency that is in Jesus Christ, and his excellency drawing the heart out after him, as all the desire of the soul, and so closing with him. Therefore, ye who remain senseless of your lost condition, have a care; ye are not yet in these chambers.

But that it may be made clear unto you, consider moreover, if ye would enter into these chambers: First, Ye must close with Christ alone, there must nothing have a share in the meritorious cause in bringing you there, but himself only; ye must not lay part of the weight upon him, and part upon yourselves and your duties: No, no, he must either have it all on his back, or else he will have none of it, therefore take heed to yourselves. Secondly, You must close with full Christ, as Prophet, Priest and King; as a Prophet to teach you his will; he must be your school-master; as Priest, thro' whose sacrifice only, the Father must accept