Page:Sair sair was my heart (1).pdf/7

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The very moudiwarts were stunn'd,
Nor kend what it could mean.
O Allister M'Allister &c.

Now wanton Willie was nae blate,
For he got haud o’ winsome Kate
Come here you he I'll shew the gate
To dance the highland fling.
The Highland fling he danced wi’ glee,
And lap as he was gaun to flee,
Kate bak'd and babb'd sae bonnilie
And wipt it neat and clean.
O Allister M'Allister, &c.

Now Allister has done his best,
And Veary houghs are wantin rest,
Besides they sair wi' drouth were strest,
Wi' dancing sae I ween.
I true the gantress got a lift
And round the bicker flew like drift,
And Allister that very night
Could scarcely stand his lane,
O Allister M'Allister &c.


Lowland lassie, wilt thou go
Where the hills are clad wi' snow,
Where beneath the icy steep,
The handy shepherd tends his sheep?
Itl nor wae shall thee betide,
When row'd within my Highland Plaid.