The foundation of the entire Bolshevist movement as well as the foreign policy of the Soviet Government is world revolution, the overthrow of all existing governments—even the most democratic—all being regarded as equally "capitalistic." This is the aim of the Russian Communist Party, which is the Soviet Government, and also of the Communist Internationale which shapes the Soviet foreign policy. No compromise of this aim has been adopted or is even projected.
In the Bolshevist view the present is a period of closely connected wars and revolutions, all having a common capitalistic cause, and all working towards the same end, a communist world state.
The increasing pressure of the proletariat, particularly its victories in some countries, strengthens the resistance of the exploiters and compels them to create new forms of international capitalist solidarity (League of Nations, etc.) which, organizing the systematic exploitation of all nations on a world scale, directs all its efforts to the immediate suppression of the revolutionary movement of the proletariat of all countries.
All this inevitably leads to the blending of civil war within various countries with the defensive wars of revolutionary countries, and the struggles of oppressed nations against the yoke of imperialist states. (From142