Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/172

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ment is itself subject to the control of a political faction with extensive international ramifications through the Third Internationale, and that this body, which is heavily subsidized by the Bolshevist Government from the public revenues of Russia, has for its openly avowed aim the promotion of Bolshevist revolutions throughout the world. The leaders of the Bolsheviki have boasted that their promises of non-interference with other nations would in nowise bind the agents of this body.

The preamble to the Soviet constitution declares that one of the main objects in forming a Soviet government is to use it "for the victory of socialism in all lands." In the preamble of the constitution of the Communist Internationale we find the following:

The object of the Communist International is a struggle with force of arms for the suppression of the international bourgeoisie, and the creation of an International Soviet Republic, as a transitional stage for the complete suppression of the State.

At its Second Congress, July, 1920, this Internationale expressed itself even more strongly:

The Communist International fully and unreservedly upholds the gains of the great proletarian revolution in Russia, the first victorious socialist revolution in the world's history, and calls upon all workers to follow the same road. The Communist International makes it its duty to support by all the power at its disposal every Soviet Republic wherever it may be formed.

Among the "slogans" of the dominating Russian Communist Party presented at that gathering were these: