Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/174

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majority of labor unionists, with the possible exception of Italy.

The revolutionary communist movement directed from Moscow is, then, a formidable force on the continent of Europe. Let us now recall that among the most important of the twenty-one revolutionary points accepted by all adhering organizations are the following:

In almost all the countries of Europe and America the class war is entering the phase of civil war. Under such conditions Communists can have no confidence in bourgeois legality. They are bound to create everywhere a parallel illegal organization, which at the decisive moment will help the party to fulfil its duty towards the Revolution. …

All decisions of the Congress of the Communist International, as also the decisions of its Executive Committee, are binding for all parties belonging to the Communist International.

When in the Martens case ex-Secretary of Labor, W. B. Wilson, decided that the Russian Communist Party was an organization that "advocates the overthrow by violence of the Government of the United States," the Administration had every possible documentary evidence to prove its case.

Naturally the belief of the Bolshevists in impending revolt fluctuates with their victories and defeats. But the utility to the Soviet Government of revolutionary agitation and revolutionary propaganda and violence in all countries continues regardless of such contingencies. We have noted Trotzky's optimism when his armies were in Poland. Again, when the armies of General Wrangel were overthrown in November, 1920, Lenin declared: