Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/203

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As soon as the Trade Union Internationale was formed, the leading Bolshevist authority on trade unions, Losovsky, was delegated to prepare an official pamphlet. This pamphlet was printed in Russian and accepted, but when it was being translated into other languages it occurred to the Moscow authorities that it was indispensable as far as possible to keep from the knowledge of the revolutionary labor unionists of other countries the irreconcilable differences between syndicalism and Bolshevist state socialism which had developed in the Moscow conference. Therefore, when it was too late, the two following wireless dispatches were sent abroad:

To Litvinov for Asten, Chairman, Russian Trade Union

Moscow, Sept. 8.

The international council of Labor Unions has now been joined by the British Shop Stewards and Workers Committees, Transport Workers' Federation of Holland, German Syndicalists and Italian Syndicalists. Please shape your policy in accordance with this fact. The aim of the Council is to unite all the Left elements of the Trade Union and Industrial movement. In view of this pp. 56-70 of Losovsky's story of the Council must be re-written before publishing.

General Secretary of the International Council
of Trades Unions—Tomsky.

Wireless to Losovsky, Russian Trade Union Delegation,
Christiana, Norway.

Moscow, Sept. 9.
Your booklet on the International Council of Trade Unions will be published in Russian with a foreword and additional matters. The polemic nature of the booklet as far as it deals with industrial syndicalists, shop stewards and Italian Confederation representatives such