Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/208

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It may have been possible on other questions to com- promise in order to secure agreement, but on this cardinal question of international labor policy no compromise was possible.

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These conferences ended in the acceptance of a declaration which should serve as a basis for gathering all the revolutionary class unions into one organization. This declaration was discussed for a whole month, and is the result of a compromise between various tendencies.

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Losovsky quotes the declaration referred to in full. As he himself declares it is vague and for the most part unimportant. But one resolution should be noted together with the signatures:

To organize a militant international committee for the reorganization of the trade union movement. This committee will function as the International Council of Trade Unions and will act in agreement with the Executive Committee of the Third International on conditions that will be laid down by congresses.


A. Losovsky,
All-Russian Central Council Trade Unions.

L. d'Arragona,
General Confederation of Labor, Italy.

A. Pestana,
National Confederation of Labor, Spain.

N. Shablin,
General Syndicalist Labor Unions, Bulgaria.

A. Rosmer,
Revolutionary Syndicalist Minority, C. G. T., France,

N. Mikado,
Communist Minority Trade Unions, Georgia.

N. Milkitch,
General Confederation of Labor, Jugo-Slavia (Serbia, etc.).