Page:Samuel Gompers - Out of Their Own Mouths (1921).djvu/211

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port … a revolutionary policy aiming at the world-wide dictatorship of the proletariat.

The published program of the Communist Party in America indicates that they have studied carefully the Moscow policy of boring from within and battering from without. Here is its definition of the duty of Communist members of trade unions:

A Communist who belongs to the A. F. of L. should seize every opportunity to voice his hostility to this organization, not to reform it but to destroy it. The I. W. W. must be upheld as against the A. F. of L. At the same time the work of Communist education must be carried on within the I. W. W.

It will be noted that the same effort to capture is to be applied against the I. W. W. as against the non-Communist unions of Europe.

Naturally the elements of the European labor movement adhering to the Amsterdam Federation of Trades Unions do not accept the criticisms of the new Internationale although as yet the Amsterdam body has made very feeble efforts to defend itself and its most important international action during 1920 was the violently pro-Soviet resolution for a general strike above referred to. At the Congress in London in November, the Federation passed the following resolution in reply to the Moscow Trade Union manifesto:

The Congress observes that the signatories of this manifesto set down their declaration of war by writing that the International of Moscow will destroy the "Yellow" Amsterdam International.