Page:Samuel Johnson (1911).djvu/286

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merly known as "belonging to Archdeacon Cambridge." Reproduced in Napier's edition of the Life, 1884, and elsewhere.

1784. Caricature by Rowlandson. Reproduced in Mr. Ingpen's edition of Life, 1907.

—— Painting by James Doyle, "The Literary Party." Reproduced in Eclectic Magazine, 1849; Mr. Ingpen's edition of Life, and elsewhere.

—— Bust by Nollekens, R.A. Reproduced in Mr. Birrell's edition of Life; Mr. Ingpen's edition of same, and elsewhere.

—— Drawing by P. S. Lamborn. Reproduced in Mr. Ingpen's edition of Life.

—— Drawing by Luggan. Reproduced in Mr. Ingpen's edition of Life.

—— Portrait by James Northcote, engraved by Finden. Reproduced in Mr. Ingpen's edition of Life.

—— Drawing by Trotter of Johnson in his Hebridean dress. Reproduced in Mr. Ingpen's edition of Life.

—— Death Mask. Reproduced in Harper's Magazine, 1893, and elsewhere.