Page:Sanâtana dharma - an elementary text book of Hindu religion and ethics (IA santanadharmae00centiala).pdf/18

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In later days the Religion was called the Hindu Religion, and this is the name by which it is now usually known. It is the oldest of living Religions, and no other Religion has produced so many great men-great teachers, great writers, great sages, great saints, great kings, great warriors, great statesmen, great benefactors, great patriots. The more you know of it, the more you will honour and love it, and the more thankful you will be that you were born into it. But unless you grow up worthy of it, this great and holy Religion will do you no good.


The Ancient Religion is based on one strong foundation on which are erected the walls of its structure.

The foundation is called श्रुति: Shrutih "that which has been heard;" the walls are called स्म्ऱुति: Smrtih, "that which has been remembered."

The Shruti has been given through very wise who heard it and received it from Devas; these sacred teachings were not written down till comparatively modern times, but were learnt by heart, and constantly repeated.

The teacher sang them to his pupils, and the pupils sang them after him, a few words at a time,