Page:Sanâtana dharma - an elementary text book of Hindu religion and ethics (IA santanadharmae00centiala).pdf/27

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THERE is one Infinite Eternal, Changeless Existence, the All.

From That all comes forth; to That all returns.

"One only, without a second."*

That includes within Itself all that ever has been, is, and can be. As a wave rises in the ocean, a universe rises in the All. As the wave sinks again into the ocean, a universe sinks again into the All. As the ocean is water, and the wave a form or manifestation of the water, so is there one Existence, and the universe is a form, or manifestation, of the Existence. "All this verily (is) Brahman,"t

This is the primary truth of Religion. Men have given to the ALL many different names. The name in the Sanatana Dharma is Brahman. English-speaking people use the name God, adding, to make the meaning clear, God, in His own

  • Chhandog yop, VI, ii-I.

Ibid, III, zir-i, "This" is the technical name for a universe.