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122. 90 § 121-122. Rigvedasanhitâ with such verbs as mút, wfùm, fam, getc. With fa (to know; to be aware of, to experience) it often occurs in the brahmana-works. Ait. Br. 2, 39, 11 go à sà: a fandi à As to the foresaid verbs of injuring, in the Ramayana also (to touch) is construed with a gen., 2, 75, 31 mai 3, 66, 6¹). ra, likewise Rem. According to P. 2, 3, 51 the verb T is construed with the gen. of the instrument (karana), then valent with far, Kâç. gives this example for at g. It is not sufficiently plain, what is here the meaning of ²). must not be equi- affo 5. The wager with verbs of playing or betting, the purchase- money with those of buying and selling is to be put in the gen., according to P. 2, 3, 57-60, thus exemplified by Kâç, zu zazzin or qu or af. Instances of this rule applied in literature if they occur at all, must be scanty. ³) With the compounds of fa the gen. is told to be optional ga org gadona in the brâhmana the simple fe is construed with the acc. of the wager, see P. 2, 3, 60 with comm. - 2 1 1) Cp. the Greek Tuy xávev, Ayyávesy and sim. For the rest, objective genitives with verbs of touching, desiring, remembering are common to the whole Indo-germanic family and the most probable explication, which may be given of them is to consider them as having had at the outset the character of partitive genitives. Their fate has been the same in Sanskrit as in its sister-tongues. In the ancient literature they are re- latively common; but gradually they decrease by time both in frequency and in extent, and modern Sanskrit has but retained a few remnants of that old and once widely-spread idiom. 2) So the Kâçika. It proffers also a different explication, according to which with gen. = to ween, to fancy," for familia. Patan- jali has not expounded the sútra. For the rest, as it runs thus sfar, nothing impedes reading it rather fa. Then it is said just the contrary: and in fact, in the ancient dialect when=fa complies with a gen. was not rarely construed so. 3) A prákṛt passage in Mrcch. II, p. 68nauuna de (= Skr. {aganore pst wricht] (this player is detained for 10 suvarnas) may afford an instance of it.