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§ 129. 97 Examples: Kumâr. 3, 10s (who are other archers ...... after on to me?), Mrcch. VIII p. 246] Hafa (the God of Love is either mild for an honest man or he does not exist for him), Mhhh. 1, 141, 36 anal farii actu (we shall be unknown to the people), Panc. 200 aardat ZAKU T

quia: (one must not take it ill of a messenger, if he speaks

plain), Çak. IV fauchalta jouden (do not oppose your husband by anger, even when offended). With adjec- Among the adjectives, which comply with a gen., note such as and even the tives, and af, as far verb gar (to suit) and their and fafaa, ara, J synonyms. So Nala 1, 19 -

facand at a

etc. anig na fort, Panc. III, 104 should not do to others, what is grievous to one's self), Mrech. I, p. 58 af fak ne (this house is not fit for a deposit), ibid. X, p. 355

à aa muafrenn, Málav. IV, p. 96 afon aren (and cold is excellent against this ailment), Mhbh. 1, 15, 4 gg: ader aìcer (the same to all beings), Mâlav. IV, p. 88 an pai fazer seteng (who is so disinclined to me?), ibid. III, p. 75. qufqùatzat (so much suffices for persons in love). DEN - D . L So and f, when = »becoming to, suiting." R. 2, 30, 41 Han har ghaka aladelundetrent elad aulasuaq; Çâk. I sfantanyag. s to and ep. the foot-note on p. 40 of this book. Note also , etc. with a gen. = guiltless towards", as R. 2, 49, 7 , M. 9, 106 faquntu: (having paid his debts to the piturus). SICHER 67. Rem. 1. Pâņini teaches, that with participles in the genitive P.2,3, must be used, and not the instrum, of the agent, if the participle is employed as a present one. Sucb genitives as : (approved by the kings), at af: (honored by the kings) fall within the limits of this rule. See Mhbh. 1, 141, 36 and Çak. IV quoted above, and ep. Çak. Il fafat Hatalunquages: (your staying here is known to the hermits). Rem. 2. On the genit. with krtyás see 66 R. According to P. 2, 3, 69 the genitive is forbidden with the krts , that is such as gou, fun (ep. P. 3, 3, 126 sq.). Kâç. gives as examples