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100 § 132. of frequent occurrence in literature ). So it is found with 1. verbs of giving, offering, 2. of telling, speaking, 3. of carrying, sending, 4. of showing, 5. of enjoining, 6. of promising, 7. of pleasing, 8. of being angry, 9. of bowing, prostrating one's self, etc. Examples: 1. Ch. Up. 2, 22, 5 render myself to Pr.), Pane. 85 him safety), Çak. I apunta ide u gaufarda other pieces of gold). 2. Mhbh. 1, 12, 6 afa: (he told his father -), Panc. 292 cheats (relate us of your adventures in foreign dançar aromafa, Panc. tunazqa countries), Mrech. I, p. 45 246 strata faraga (then they went all and addressed the king of frogs), ibid. 62 faat. chumaid saaput nak adi anà affectià (let me sur- t vthi za (I have granted dentarafa, Mrech. II, p. 80 (give but to this very fellow ten 3. Çak. III andava quimata a funfo dan (to whom are carried?), ibid. IV of mª cà her now to her husband). having sent 4. Kathas. 29, 18 : g: (she showed her the puppets). 5. Panc. 289a44 af (and he prescribed me), Çak. IV in an (show the way to your sister). text hasi, the other reading is mentioned in a foot-note. 1) In the vulgar dialects the dative has got obsolete, and the genitive has been substituted to it, the few traces of a dative in Prakrit litera- ture being owed to the artificial language of dramatic poetry. See LASSEN Inst. linguae pracriticae, p. 299, VaraRUCI Prûkṛtaprakâça 6, 64, KUHN Beiträge zur Pali Grammatik, p. 70 sq. gives an account of the remnants of the dative in Pali, which are more considerable, than in the other prakrts, and contain both infinitives in tave and datives in °âya, especially atthaya skrt arthâya; as a rule, the pali dative serves to denote the purpose. The same process has been at work in Modern Greek, SCHINAS, Grammaire élémentaire du grec moderne, Paris, 1829 p. 90: »le gé- nitif sert de régime indirect aux verbes et remplace le datif: de pou Ju donne-moi du pain, Aéyo Toữ xpitaŭ tjy kaýle,æv je dis au juge la vérité."