Page:Sanskrit syntax (IA cu31924023201183).pdf/14

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VIII monographies and special investigations of a sound philological and scholarlike character are still wanting, and I have felt that want often and deeply. For this reason I am fully aware, that many deficiencies and inaccuracies will certainly be found now or appear afterwards in this first Sanskrit Syntax written in Europe. Notwithstanding, as I felt convinced that my labour, however imperfect, might prove of some profit by facilitating both the access to Sanskrit literature and the study of Sanskrit language, and that on the other hand this work might afford some base for further investigations on special points of Syntax, it is placed before the public with the confidence that it may be judged, what it is, as a first attempt, and an attempt undertaken by a foreigner. In arranging materials I preferred following, as best I could, the nature and spirit of the language I was working on, rather than clinging too closely to the classification familiar to us by the Syntax of Latin and Greek; in stating facts I have avoided generalizing from such instances as did rest only on my own limited experience, remembering the wise words of Patanjali defe faca:..... pada umfangiauzu ard- Qaldri gat at 33 SECTION I. General remarks on the structure of sentences . SECTION II. Syntaxis convenientiae and syntaxis rectionis. Chapt. 1. Concord II. How to denote case-relations » III. Accusative, IV. Iustrumental V. Dative. VI. Ablative VII. Genitive VIII. Locative 23 PREFACE. 23 92 The whole of this Syutax is made up of six Sections. 41 ♦

Page. 1-33 13-23 24-29 29-42 42-58 58-67 67-81 81-101 109-113