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189. Front- STIC 190. Text & 136 § 188-190. Varah. Brb. 104, 12 angunaat it: Achthof (Mars takes away the fruit of thieves and princes). Rem. 2. Kathas. 25, 129 we have f= »near," f ..... Rem. 3. q, tun, citan: sometimes have the worth of abla- tives, but sometimes also that of locatives, f. i. Kathâs. 32, 99 un am gît zna mn: 1) (- and at its side a river), cp. Nala 6, 4. Moreover and also, but not so often, f and atsain-serves also to periphrase many other kinds of ablative, especially if, from the side of a person". So Panc. 28 mar: saung Hafaun 1fadcat [sc. ] (you must procure me safety from the side of your master), ibid. 137 fr sparu ful de conturunastaur geta 44 gedì útfà: Ástali nchife- na a ma da qartegfantafa (well, I have seen how you have loosened Citragriva of his fetters, and I was much pleased at this, for I too, if perchance I should get into captivity, may be released from your side); - to receive from: .Mrech. X, p. 341 3 Had: Echtaraffe - to ask from: Panc. 75 - T ratch 191 to learn from: M. 2,20 a 1 Tanger à fun 121: Ital aft fufci :;- to buy from: M. 9, 174 unutraurinā Alanicattered and gar (he whom somebody has bought from his parents that he might be instead of a son, is called his bought son); to be borne from: Panc. 3184 at Teata ufaruf (he will give me his daughter, of her I shall have a son), Abl. of comparison: Panc, 271 à €4ankfu: Havi ausgenui (from this time he looked on him with favour above all rajputs, showing his grace by marks of honour and the like), Vajracched. p. 16 match-araferentasi diáci quatcnde: gaantzia aat an (forsooth, if compared to the foresaid bulk of good works, this second bulk of good works is not equal to the hundredth part of it). - — In the same way the loc., acc. and abl. of ? , sim. may periphrase the being or the getting, within," the moving from within."