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§ 204-206. 147 this fourth class coincides with the avyayibhava of vernacular grammar ¹). 1. DVANDVA. P. 2, 2, 205, The dvandva serves to express concatenation and 29. Dvandva. addition. Two or more nouns linked to another by and" may be united into a dvandva. So instead of saying J A we may use the dvandva PTATT - 740, instead of fut ada 3 it may be said alaivąá:. Rem. In the archaic dialect the freedom of making dvandvas was very little. At least in the vaidik writings dvandvas aro almost bound to set formulae and do never consist of more than two members. Most of them are dvandvas of divinities, especially in the mantras, such as fum, qui. See WHITNEY, Sanskrit Grammar § 1255 and 1256. 206. The dvandva has the gender of its last member. Its Its gender number is determined by the real number of the per- and num- ber. n ayado at sons or things, comprised by it. Panc. I, 4 yalan you and (from the three classes of sons: 1 not born at all, 2 sons died, 3, blockheads, the first and second classes are to be preferred), ibid, p. 195 gramînd aza atuaìciciai azy (there always is a deadly hatred between crows and owls), Harshac. p. 28 Tag: (no strangers to dancing, singing and playing 1) All compound adverbs, the former member of which is an indecli. nable word, are comprehended by the general appellation avyayibhava (P. 2, 1, 5-16). Moreover this category contains some few kinds of com- pound adverbs, whose former member is a noun-case or an adj.; they are summed up by Papini (2, 1, 17-21). But compound adjectives are never styled avyayîbbâva, even if their former member be an indecli- nable word. So for example when saying, we have a »prepo- sitional compound" indeed, : being =, but not an avyayî- bhava. 1